Public Notice of Noxious Weeds and Tall Grass Control

Public Notice of Noxious Weed and Tall Grass Control
Take notice that the City of Ithaca City Charter (Chapter II, Section A., 2.a.) and the International Property Maintenance Code (Section 302.4) provide that all noxious weeds and grasses be controlled to not exceed eight (8) inches of height on any property in the City of Ithaca. The codes require all property owners to keep their grasses and noxious weeds to be trimmed to be in compliance with these codes. Any grasses or weeds that are found to be in violation of the code(s) may be trimmed by the City if the owner has not cut the weeds and grasses after proper notification to the owner.

The City of Ithaca hereby notifies all property owners, tenants and the public that noxious weeds and grasses shall be eradicated by cutting them and keeping them to a height of less than eight (8) inches. Weeds and grasses not cut by May 1, 2024 will be cut by the City as many times as shall be necessary, and the owner of the property upon which such noxious weeds and grasses are found shall be charged with the cost thereof and the City shall have a lien against the land for the amount thereof. Refusal to destroy noxious weeds and cut grasses are a municipal infraction punishable by a civil fine pursuant to the provisions of Section 1-7 of the City of Ithaca Code of Ordinances.

Cathy Cameron
City Clerk